Friday, July 16, 2010

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

So here we have an interesting project promoting a new Green Revolution in Africa. While it is debatable whether the first Green Revolution was succesful, AGRA looks promising and we can atleast give it a chance. Here are the programs that AGRA uses to "trigger comprehensive change" :

  • The Seeds Program supports the breeding of improved seed and works to ensure that this good seed gets to farmers. Currently, less than one-quarter of African farmers use high yielding, locally adapted seed. Poor seeds and depleted soils have kept farmers’ yields at one-quarter the global average.
  • The Soil Health Program improves farm productivity through increasing farmers’ access to locally appropriate soil nutrients and promoting integrated soil and water management. The Seeds and Soil Health Programs work together to raise farmers’ yields. Both are key to environmental sustainability and helping farmers adapt to and mitigate climate change.
  • Once improved seeds and soils engender higher yields, farmers need access to markets for their surplus. AGRA’s Market Access Program pursues multiple routes to expanding market access for smallholders.
  • For all of these efforts to have a widespread impact, agricultural policies must provide smallholder farmers with comprehensive support on national, regional and global levels. At the same time, partnerships are needed to marshal the resources and expertise that will catalyze change. AGRA’s Policy and Partnerships Program tackles these challenges.
  • All of this takes resources, and one overlooked source is Africa’s own commercial banks. AGRA’s cross-cutting Initiative on Innovative Finance works with Africa’s financial institutions and other partners to increase access to low-interest loans for smallholder farmers and agricultural businesses. 

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