
Hi there. 
First of all, let me introduce myself: my name is Ken and I welcome you to my blog.

I've always had given special attention to global problems. My homecountry felt too small, particuraly in the last years. Our world is more than one country. How ever cliche that may sound, it is the truth. As globalization is increasing rapidly and different cultures are coming in touch with each other, the globe is eventually and unavoidably turning small. This has its disadvantages - tension, conflicts, ... - but one advantage (is it?) is that it is becoming increasingly easier to reach out to the people that need the most help, more specifically: the poor in developing countries. This urge to do something that will effectively and efficiently assist sustainable development has increased over the years.

I have just mentioned the words effectively and efficiently. What I mean with that is that I want to promote and give information on possible mechanics that can benefit sustainable development cheaply, directly and on a large scale. It is in my opinion that this can be achieved in the important sector of agriculture. Agriculture is the basis for development. Positive evolution of agriculture automaticly leads to positive development. Furthermore, it is often the rural people that need assistance the most. Agricultural research is therefore an absoluty necessity to reach sustainable development, but agricultural extension is just as important to transfer the outcomes of this research to the rural areas.

I hope that through this blog you and I will both learn more about mechanics and solutions that can lift sustainable agriculture, so that the people closest  to sustainable development in developing countries - the farmers as well as the policy-makers - can be reached. 

As a last note I find it important that all discussions, solutions and implementations should be respectful not only towards the environment, but also towards all cultures and people. Not only is it our task to teach but also to learn from the precious diversity we have in this world.
